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10 things to do in Ancient Olympia

Explore Ancient Olympia: Unveiling the Wonders of Antiquity  

Welcome to Ancient Olympia, the birthplace of the Olympic Games. Dive into the artistic and historical heritage with these 10 unique steps: 

Visit the Sacred Precinct: 

Commence your journey with a stroll through the Sacred Precinct, where statues represent the ancient gods. 


Explore the Stadium: 

Experience the setting of the first Olympic Games at the ancient Stadium, where athletes once competed for glory. 


Tour the Museum of the Olympic Games: 

Navigate the museum to witness artifacts, medals, and items belonging to the protagonists of the Games. 


Discover the Temple of Zeus: 

Admire the architecture of the Temple of Zeus, a masterpiece of ancient Greek art. 


Walk the Path of the Heroes: 

Take a walk down the Path of the Heroes, where statues honor the great athletes of antiquity. 


Visit the Philippeion Temple: 

Uncover the temple built to honor the achievements of King Philip. 


Witness the Olympic Flame: 

See the flame that is lit every four years during the Olympic Games’ arrival ceremony. 


Excursion to the Sacred Forest of Olympia: 

Breathe in the air of the Sacred Forest, once forbidden for habitation. 


Taste Local Traditional Dishes: 

Enjoy the Cretan cuisine at local restaurants around Ancient Olympia. 


Explore Mount Lykaion: 

Venture to the hill of Mount Lykaion, where, according to myth, Hercules slew the Lycaon.